Physical Health
The content on this page has been written with mothers and pregnant women in mind and fact checked for accuracy using resources from the South African National Department of Health. Get more information on the Side by Side SA Facebook page to keep you and your and children’s physical health during pregnancy, breastfeeding and early childhood.
Should Children Wear a Face Mask?
In order to stop the spread of the Coronavirus, it is compulsory for everyone to wear a cloth face mask when in public. It is possible to carry the Coronavirus and feel well. Face masks help to stop infecting other people. Many parents want to know if children should...
What to do if Somebody in your Household is Diagnosed with COVID-19 and you are Worried about your Child
Living in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic is especially stressful for mothers because they worry for their children. It is even more stressful if somebody in the house has the virus. Below is information about the symptoms children with corona virus show and what...
Make your own Tippy Tap: Parent support on ECCE: COVID-19
Washing your hands with soap and water is the best way to prevent the spread of germs and viruses. It is especially important now when we are living in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, if we can't have taps with running water at home, we can make a Tippy...
Managing Pregnancy during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Living in the time of COVID-19 pandemic is stressful for all of us, but pregnant women and mothers of small babies are especially worried and anxious, Below are answers to some of the most common questions concerning pregnant women and mothers of small babies. The...
Use of face-masks to help slow the spread of COVID-19
In order to stop the spread of the Coronavirus, it will be compulsory from 1st of May for everyone to wear a cloth face mask when in public. It is possible to carry the Coronavirus and feel well. Face masks help to stop infecting other people. Here are the most common...
Explaining COVID-19 to young children
This resource, developed by the Departments of Basic Education and Social Development as well as Unicef, supports parents to explain the virus to their young children and teach them how to protect themselves. All content is sourced from the World Health Organisation....
FREE RESOURCE: Social media graphics with helpline numbers for COVID-19 (English and Afrikaans)
We have created these social media graphics with useful helpline numbers across a variety of topics. Please share on your social media networks as they may help someone. English and Afrikaans versions available for now. General COVID-19 in South Africa Mental Health...
COVID19 FAQs for mothers
Question I am pregnant. Am I at increased risk of COVID19? Answer At present the evidence does not suggest pregnant women are greater risk of COVID19 than the general population, nonetheless pregnancy is a time of immune system change, so pregnant women should...
COVID-19 Algemene vrae en antwoorde vir ma’s
Vraag Ek is swanger. Is daar ‘n groter kans dat ek COVID-19 sal kry? Antwoord Op die oomblik is daar nie bewyse dat swanger vroue meer vatbaar is as die algemene bevolking nie. Nietemin is swangerskap ‘n tydperk van verandering vir jou immuniteit, so swanger vroue...

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Phone: +27 (0) 83 225 9011