
Pamphlets should be printed and given to caregivers to keep. They are a valuable tool because they contain detailed information and caregivers can refer to them as often as they need to.

If you can print only one kind of pamphlet, we suggest it is the How to Raise a Happy and Healthy Child below.

How to Raise a Happy and Healthy Child Book

This booklet supplements the Road to Health book. It contains exactly the same educational content for caregivers as the Road to Health book, but it doesn’t contain any health records immunisation schedules or growth charts.

How to Raise a Healthy and Happy Child booklet is an important supplementary tool because it is available in all 11 official languages, unlike the Road to Health, which is only available in English.

Print and Distribute

  • To caregivers have been issued the new Road to Health book but are not confident English readers.
  • To caregivers who have been issued the old Road to Health book but would benefit from the information because their child is still under 5 years.
  • To caregivers who spend a lot of time with a child under 5 but who may not have access to the Road to Health book – like grandparents and day mothers.

Printing Instructions

A5 size, full colour, 16pages+4pages cover, normal bond paper pages and 300gsm gloss cover. Stapled finish. If costs are a concern, a black and white print is fine.

Looking for a specific language? Click your language to download:

Zulu, Xhosa, Afrikaans, English, Sotho, Tsonga, Venda, Swati, SeTswana, Sepedi, Ndebele

Supporting Breastfeeding in the Workplace

The Supporting Breastfeeding in the Workplace booklet contains practical information for employers and managers of big, medium and small organisations on how they can create a breastfeeding friendly workplace. This includes instructions on how to write a breastfeeding policy, how to set up a breastfeeding room, and a guide to the South African laws which protect pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The booklet is useful for employees as well because it helps them understand their rights when it comes to pregnancy leave and breastfeeding in the workplace. The book also includes practical information on how to express and store breastmilk.

The book is available in English only.

How to use

Share the booklet with employers/managers of any size organisation – small, medium and large. Share the electronic version of booklet with employers/managers and encourage them to print copies of the book and distribute it among their staff.

Printing Instructions

A5 size, full colour, 16pages+4pages cover, normal bond paper pages and 300gsm gloss cover. Stapled finish. If costs are a concern, a black and white print is fine.

What You Should Know About Breastfeeding

The What You Should Know About Breastfeeding booklet is for new mothers and aims to support the practice of breastfeeding in South Africa. It provides practical and useful information on topics such as the benefits of breastfeeding for babies and moms, how and when to breastfeed, the challenges of breastfeeding, mothers’ nutrition while breastfeeding, and breastfeeding while HIV-positive.
The booklet is available in English only.

How to use

Give it to prenatal women as well as women who have just given birth. The booklet can also be given to their partners and close family members who will need to support the mother in breastfeeding her baby in the home.

Mothers would benefit especially from the information in the booklet if a nurse, health promoter, or community health workers goes through the information with them.

The electronic version of booklet can also be shared with employers/managers who should be encouraged to print copies of the book and distribute it among their staff.


Printing Instructions

A5 size, full colour, 16pages+4pages cover, normal bond paper pages and 300gsm gloss cover. Stapled finish. If costs are a concern, a black and white print is fine.

What you need to know about breastfeeding and COVID -19

The What You Should Know About Breastfeeding and Covid-19 pamphlet is for mothers and healthworkers, and aims to support the practice of breastfeeding in South Africa during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The pamphlet is available in English only.

How to use

Give it to prenatal women, women who have just given birth, as well as all mothers who are breastfeeding. The booklet can also be given to their partners and close family members who will need to support the mother in breastfeeding her baby in the home.

Mothers would benefit especially from the information in the booklet if a nurse, health promoter, or community health workers goes through the information with them.

The electronic version of booklet can also be shared with employers/managers who should be encouraged to print copies of the book and distribute it among their staff.

Printing Instructions

A5 size, full colour, 16pages+4pages cover, normal bond paper pages and 300gsm gloss cover. Stapled finish. If costs are a concern, a black and white print is fine.

RTHB guide for ecd practitioners

The Early childhood development and Childcare worker Guide to the RtHB (ECD Guide) is aimed at assisting ECD and childcare workers in using and leveraging the information in the RtHB to support child health and well being.  This guide is aimed at early childhood development (ECD) and childcare workers. It explains how to use the revised 2018 Road to Health book (RtHB).

Printing Instructions

A5 size, full colour, 16pages+4pages cover, normal bond paper pages and 300gsm gloss cover. Stapled finish. If costs are a concern, a black and white print is fine.

Contact Details

Dr AB Xuma Building, 1112 Voortrekker Rd, Pretoria Townlands 351-JR, PRETORIA, 0187

Phone: +27 (0) 83 225 9011