I am pregnant. Am I at increased risk of COVID19?
At present the evidence does not suggest pregnant women are greater risk of COVID19 than
the general population, nonetheless pregnancy is a time of immune system change, so
pregnant women should continue with standard precautionary measures such as avoiding
crowded places and limiting use of public transport where possible, washing their hands
regularly with soap and water and avoiding touching their face.
Should I still be attending my antenatal clinic visits in light of the COVID19 epidemic?
Yes, it is important that pregnant women continue to attend their routine antenatal visits to
ensure mom and baby’s health is monitored and any chronic conditions are well managed.
When attending health facilities, moms should ensure they continue to take all the standard
precautions such as handwashing or handsanitising before and after entering the health
facility, avoiding touching their face and coughing or sneezing into a tissue.
Can COVID19 be transmitted through breastmilk?
There is no evidence to suggest that COVID19 can be transmitted through breastmilk. The
benefits of breastfeeding far outweigh the risks and new mothers are encouraged to
exclusively breastfeed for the first six months of their child’s life and as long as they are able
to thereafter.
I have been in contact with someone who has a positive COVID19 diagnosis but no
symptoms, can I continue to breastfeed?
Yes, if you have suspected or confirmed COVID19 you can continue to breastfeed but must
take the standard precautions such as washing your hands with soap and water before and
after holding your baby, wear a mask if you have access to one if coughing or sneezing and
regularly clean and disinfect surfaces baby is in contact in.
I am pregnant and have been in contact with someone who has a positive COVID19
diagnoses. I have no symptoms, but I am worried something might happen to my baby.
What should I do?
There is no evidence to suggest that COVID19 increases this risk of miscarriage or preterm
birth, however to keep yourself healthy continue to practice the standard precautions such
as washing your hands frequently with soap and water, avoiding touching your face, limiting
the use of public transport and public gatherings. If you do develop symptoms contact your
healthcare practitioner or call the 24-hour COVID19 helpline on 0800 029 999
I have received a positive COVID19 diagnosis and am pregnant. Is my baby at risk too?
There is no evidence to suggest that COVID19 can be spread from the mother to the baby in
the womb, however the evidence is evolving rapidly so do keep checking in with your
healthcare provider frequently if you have any concerns. Also look out for danger signs in
pregnancy such as bleeding, waters breaking before getting contractions, no movements
from baby for 4 hours or more and severe lower abdominal pains. If you have any of these,
consult with your healthcare provider immediately